By purchasing a BloomSky Farm Flower Gift Subscription, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
I understand that by signing up for a BloomSky Farm (BloomSky) flower subscription (by purchasing a subscription online), I have reserved a specific number of bouquets to be gifted on my behalf. I understand there are no refunds for cancellation of my flower subscription once purchased.
I understand that BloomSky will work with their partners to determine delivery dates that align best with their needs and operations. BloomSky may change the dates of the flower subscription, based on external factors such as weather conditions and crop bloom times.
I understand that as a subscription member, I share both the rewards and the risks of farming. I understand that the rewards are:
1) Providing a tangible source of happiness to patients, families and caregivers through locally and sustainably grown flowers
2) Supporting a local woman owned farm
3) Enhancing our farm operations by ensuring we can sustainably grow and distribute our bouquets for the 2025 season and beyond
And the risks include poor harvests or crop loss due to unfavorable weather, extreme pest pressure, or natural disaster. I understand that full or partial crop loss due to unfavorable weather conditions, natural disasters, extreme pest pressure, drought, or floods, may result in a small to non-existent harvest. In the event of crop loss, BloomSky will work to source local flowers in order to meet our commitments to our partners and our subscribers.
I understand that flowers are a perishable product, with a variable vase life of 5-7+ days. BloomSky will provide flower care instructions with each bouquet. I understand that all flowers were harvested in peak condition, and that all varieties have a different vase life, dependent on care. BloomSky will not be held responsible for poor vase life or flower quality due to improper flower care once flowers are delivered.
By signing up for the flower subscription, I agree to add to my email contacts. This is how BloomSky will communicate about my subscription and will also share news about the farm and the joy of gifted bouquets via our newsletter. BloomSky will not be held responsible for e-mails going to spam folders or promotions tabs. Please notify the farm immediately if you do not receive a receipt upon payment for the flower subscription.
Thank you for generously gifting our flowers!